Protocol for subscapularis repair rehabilitation prepared by Dr Boyle.
Phase 1:
Begins immediately after surgery to approximately 4 weeks post-op
- Sling for everyone (with or without abduction pillow as directed by Dr. Boyle)
- Cryotherapy as needed for pain relief (cryocuff or ice pack)
- NO pendulum exercises
- Active wrist/passive elbow ROM exercises
- Grip exercises
- Scapular exercises
- Day 10-14 suture removal
- Begin PROM (no active ROM for 8 weeks post-op). Elevation to 90o (supine flexion using contralateral arm, scapular plane elevation)
- ER to 40o at 0o , 45o , 90o elevation in the scapular plane
- Aquatic/pool therapy (2-4 weeks post-op) Shoulders totally submerged Slow active motion within precautionary ROM with emphasis on good biomechanics No coronal plane abduction
Phase 2:
From 4-8 weeks post-op for small/medium tears < 3 cm
From 6-10 weeks post-op for large/massive tears >3 cm
- Wean from sling/abduction pillow - sling wear discouraged except as a visible sign of vulnerability in uncontrolled environment
- Passive ROM - joint mobilization and stretching towards full ROM in all directions (emphasize isolated glenohumeral elevation) Elevation to 140o (supine flexion using contralateral arm, scapular plane elevation) ER to 40o at 0o , 45o , 90o elevation in the scapular plane IR with thumb tip to L1 (40o )
- Aquatic/pool therapy - continue same exercises as in phase 1 without ROM limitations - increase speed of movement as tolerated
Phase 2 Home Exercise Program
- Stretching for full ROM in all directions
- Passive exercise as directed by physiotherapist
- Cryotherapy prn
Phase 3:
From 8-12 weeks post-op for small/medium tears
From 10-14 weeks post-op for large/massive tears
- Glenohumeral/scapulothoracic joint mobilisation/PROM - (target: achieve full ROM by 12 weeks post-op)
- Strengthening
- AROM/initial strengthening
- Minimal manual resistance for isometric ER/IR at 0o, 45o, and 90o in supine position with arm supported as needed
- Minimal manual resistance for rhythmic stabilisation of glenohumeral joint at multiple angles in supine position (60o, 90o, 120o)
- AAROM progressing to AROM for elevation in supine - elevate head of bed as appropriate, maintaining good mechanics
- ER in side-lying position
- Light periscapular strengthening as appropriate (prone rowing, prone shoulder extension)
- Continue manual resistance - rhythmic stabilisation for IR/ER (0, 45, 90 degrees abduction) and rhythmic stabilisation (flex, ext, hor abd/add) at 45, 60, 90, 120 degrees elevation in scapular plane
- AROM elevation/scaption in standing (must be performed in ROM that allows for good biomechanics; use mirror for feedback)
- Aquatic/pool therapy - increases speed of movement, progress to using hand as a "paddle" and then to webbed gloves for increased resistance as tolerated
- Slowly add light resistance (theraband or light dumbbells) as patient gains control of movement with good biomechanics - include the following exercises: - Elevation in scapular plane (initially supine, progress to inclined, then upright) - Prone rowing - Serratus "punches" - Side-lying ER - Prone extension, horizontal abduction - ER and extension with theraband - Progress to IR on light pulleys or theraband
Phase 3 Home Exercise Program
1. Passive stretching for full ROM
2. Light strengthening exercises as directed by physiotherapist
Phase 4:
From 12-16 weeks post-op
• Refer to Dr. Boyle for advice regarding specific activity restrictions
- Joint mobilisation (glenohumeral/scapulothoracic) and PROM as needed if full ROM not yet achieved
- Progress strengthening exercises in phase 3 with increasing weight as tolerated
- Add gym machines as appropriate (chest press, rowing, latissimus pull-down, triceps, biceps) and IR/ER at 90 degree abduction 4. May start isokinetics for IR/ER beginning in a modified position with moderate speeds (120o-240o)
Phase 4 Home Exercise Program
- Stretching to maintain ROM as needed
- Strengthening as directed by physiotherapist - patient should have independent strengthening program prior to discharge from physiotherapy
Phase 5:
From 16-24 weeks post-op
- Functional progression for sports and activity-specific tasks (i.e. golf, tennis)
- Interval sport programs as indicated
- Advanced strengthening as indicated
ROM = range of motion PROM = passive range of motion AROM = active range of motion AAROM = active assisted range of motion IR = internal rotation ER = external rotation