After Your Surgery

After your surgery is complete, you will slowly become more alert as your anaesthetic starts to wear off. You will be lifted into your hospital bed and then transported to the Post-Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU). You will feel groggy and sleepy; some patients are so sleepy that they don't really remember the PACU. The PACU nurses will check your pulse and other vital signs. You will have a small mask on that will be blowing a cool oxygen mist until you are completely alert. If you have pain, the PACU nurses will give you pain relieving medication through your IV line.

Almost all of the surgery that Dr. Boyle performs is either day stay (you go home on the same day as surgery) or requires one night in hospital. If your surgery is day stay, you will move from the PACU to a special discharge unit to get changed into your own clothes and rest before you are discharged. If your surgery involves an overnight stay, you will be transported from the PACU to your hospital room. 

Before you are discharge from hospital, the nursing staff will make sure that you are safe to go home, can use your crutches or sling, and will be able to cope. If you stay overnight, you may have your dressing changed before you leave. Before you leave hospital, you will be given material to take home including:

  • A prescription for pain relief and any other required medications
  • A set of instructions about managing the first 2 weeks after surgery including caring for your wound and rehabilitation exercises
  • Details about your first post-operative clinic appointment
  • A photographic record of your surgery, if it was an arthroscopic procedure

You will need someone to drive you home from the hospital and stay with you for at least the first night after surgery. Your first follow up appointment will usually be 10-14 days after your surgery.